About Us

ICAR - Central Institute of Fisheries Technology

The ICAR - Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT) set up in 1957 is the only national center in the country where research in all disciplines relating to fishing and fish processing is undertaken. The institute started functioning at Cochin in 1957. Research centers function at Veraval (Gujarat), Visakhapatnam (AP), Mumbai (Maharashtra)...


Message From Director


Dr. George Ninan


ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (ICAR-CIFT) - the only technology Institute in India which caters to the broad spectrum of fisheries from harvest to post-harvest operations has been in the service of the nation since 1957 under the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), New Delhi.

  • Biochemical Composition of Fish and Shell fish
  • Gill Nets
  • Fish collage peptide
  • Frozen Squid & Cuttlefish
  • Advances in Marine Natural Products and Nutraceutical Research
  • Wood Preservation for Marine Application
  • Biochemical Analysis of Seafood
  • Nutritional Significance of Fish Proteins
  • Availability and Uses of Ambergris
  • Laboratory Manual on Microbiological and molecular methods for the detection of Listeria monocytogen
  • Fish Collagen
  • Commercially Viable Fishery Based Technologies Recently Developed by CIFT
  • Whale Shark
  • Important Fishery Resources of Madhya Pradesh
  • Processing of Bombay Duck

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ICAR-CIFT has developed following Mobile Apps for technology and information transfer. The google play store link of the Apps are given below.
This mobile app provides general information on ICAR-CIFT, the services and trainings offered by CIFT on harvest and post-harvest technologies including quality assurance and management, biochemistry & nutrition, microbiology and engineering aspects.
CIFTFISHPRO is a mobile app, which provides information on series of values added fish products. One interactive feature of CIFTFISHPRO is that the system will help the user to upscale the production of each product by automatically calculating the ingredients requirement for a given quantity of raw fish. The system also gives an option to the user to enter the input cost of the ingredients. This would give the user a broad idea about the total cost incurred while up-scaling the production of the product.
ICAR – CIFT has developed a demerit score based fish quality index (FQI) system for assessing/ evaluating quality/ freshness of fresh fish. The developed FQI system considered five general quality characteristics viz. Appearance of fish outer surface, fish eyes and gills, condition of fish belly and vents. This web based system would help the consumer to check/ evaluate the quality of fresh fish instantly. This system provides the instructions for evaluating the quality/ freshness of fish. After evaluating the fish in terms of quality characteristics description, the consumer or user has to select appropriate score given in the element score sheet. After complete selection of demerit score, a final fish quality index (FQI) would be computed automatically along with the quality description of fish.
4. CIFTraining
The “CIFTraining” mobile app will help the stakeholders to search the training of their interest and see the training programme details like course contents, course fee, duration, eligibility and other facilities at fingertips, so that the right stakeholder can opt for right training programme for improving the technical knowledge and skill in the concerned field. Finally applying the training programme through online registration mode.
5. CIFT Lab Test
This Mobile App may be useful for the aquaculture farmers, processing industries and other stakeholders in the sector to access the contents of different lab tests as per their interest through online and get the desired information on quantity of sample required, time required for test report and cost particulars etc. available at 24X7 times.




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