

The Central Institute of Fisheries Technology was set up in 1957 following the recommendations of a high power committee constituted by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of India. The Institute is the only national centre in the country where research in all disciplines relating to fishing and fish processing is undertaken. Research centres function at Veraval (Gujarat), Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) and  Mumbai (Maharashtra).

In an information age, the role of appropriate information package and its dissemination are equally important. It is not enough to generate information but also to see that the required information is delivered to the end users at the earliest and with least dissemination loss. There is a great need for co-ordination between the researchers and technology users. A better integration is needed to be achieved by having a formal management mechanism between scientists and department in-charges of different disciplines but engaged in interdependent tasks on one hand and technology users on the other. This linkage mechanism should be with formal, permanent, mandated, facilitated and designated functions. The establishment of Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) will provide such mechanism, beyond individual units of research institutions in contributing towards the dissemination of information. This will serve as a single window system with an objective to help both the farmers and stakeholders to provide solution to their problems and make available all technological information along with technology products for their testing and use.


  • To build up required confidence among clients and to strengthen linkages between the Institute and clients.
  • To provide diagnostic and advisory services such as testing of samples of fishery products, packaging materials, water and ice, craft materials, paints, marine engines etc. 
  •  To provide quality assurance and management services to the fish processing industry. 
  • To sell and distribute improved products developed as a result of researches con-ducted at the institute. 
  • To provide an over-view of improved technologies through published literature and other communication materials as well as audio-visual aids.
  • To provide direct access to improved expertise as well as the products of technology and to overcome technology dissemination loss.
  • To provide an opportunity to the institute to have resource generation through the sale of its technologies and as a result  of consultancy services at the centre.
  • To provide techno-economic feasibility advice on the fishery related projects and to provide guidelines on environmental  issues related to fisheries.

All rights reserved © Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT)