
Conducted NEH programmes on ‘Value addition of fish and fishery products’ in Nagaland



ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin has organized a three day days training cum demonstration programme (under NEH component) on ‘Hygienic handling of fish and value addition of fish and fishery products’ in collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dimapur, Nagaland during 25- 27 February, 2020. Twenty-five participants including women self-help group members, fish farmers and home makers have attended the training programme.

Dr. Ebibeni Ngullie, In- charge Head, KVK, Dimapur gave the introductory remark about the training cum demonstration programme. Dr. Sajesh.V.K, Scientist, ICAR-CIFT briefed about the innovative technologies of CIFT and importance of value addition in fish and fishery products.

Demonstration and training of fish drying, preparation of fish pickle, filleting, preparation of battered and breaded products were carried out during the programme. Practical sessions were handled by Dr.K. Dinesh Prabhu and K.D.Santhosh, Senior Technical Assistants at ICAR-CIFT. Focus was to provide hands on experience to each participant in order to enable them to undertake small scale fish processing as a rural enterprise.  A set of equipments was handed over to KVK Dimapur to establish a small scale fish processing unit under the monitoring of KVK, Dimapur.

Chairing over the valedictory programme Dr.D.J. Rajkhowa, Joint Director, ICAR-Research Complex for North Eastern Hill Region, Nagaland Centre applauded the role of ICAR-CIFT to hand hold the rural youth, fisher women and farm women with improved technologies of fish product development which may result in fishprenureship development among small farm holders and bring livelihood security. Later he distributed the certificates to the participants. Participants also expressed satisfaction about new learning during the feed-back session.Dr.Ch. Roben Singh, Subject Matter Specialist at KVK, Dimapur and Dr.SajeshV.K, Scientist, ICAR-CIFT shared their reflections about the training programme.







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