Activities carried out at the Institute
On 15th September, 2018, all staff of the Institute participated in a cleanliness drive outside CIFT premises. The plastic waste, dry leaves, bushes and other garbage were removed from the road. All staff of the Institute participated in the cleanliness drive with great enthusiasm.
ICAR-CIFT staff during the cleanliness drive
The premises after cleaning
As part of nationwide Swachhata Hi Sewa programme, on 17th September a talk on “Beat Plastic Pollution” was arranged at the Institute. Shri E.A. Ibrahim, Faculty, State Suchitwa Mission delivered a lecture on the ways and means through which single use plastic can be avoided at office and home environment.
Shri E.A. Ibrahim during the lecture
An awareness programme on ‘Hygienic handling of fish’ was conducted at Mulanthuruthy fish market on 21/09/2018. Smt. Priya E.R, Scientist Quality Assurance and Management Division gave talk on ‘Importance of hygienic handling of fish and various aspects to be taken care for maintaining hygiene and quality in fish markets’. Dr. Sajesh.V.K, Scientist, EIS Division explained the changing consumer perception about fish quality and the need to adhere to their demands.
In continuation of ongoing Swachhta Hi Seva Campaign at the Institute, a Nukkad Natak Competition was organised for students of 6th, 7th and 8th classes of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Port Trust on 22.09.2018.
Dr.Santosh Alex, Asst. Chief Technical Officer, CIFT, Cochin who coordinated the programme, spoke briefly about Swatch Bharat Mission by Government of India and urged the students to give importance to cleanliness in the house and at school during the programme.
Four batches of students performed Nukkat Natak. The students actively took part in the Nukkat Natak and highlighted the importance of hygiene. The Nukkat Natak was well performed by the students and later pens were distributed to all the participants as a token of appreciation. Smt. Lini Nair, Coordinator of Swatch Bharat Mission, K.V. Port Trust , proposed the formal vote of thanks .
Dr.Santosh Alex, Shri Sibasis Guha, ACTO and Shri K.D. Santhosh, Technical Officer interacted with the students during the programme and it could create awareness on ‘hygiene and sanitation’ among students.
Nukkat Natak by students of KV, Port Trust
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