
ICAR Foundation Day Celebrated at CIFT, Cochin

ICAR Foundation Day Celebrated at CIFT, Cochin

Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin is the only national organization under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi dedicated to research in all areas of harvest and post harvest technologies of fish. The Institute celebratedthe 86thFoundation Day ICAR on 16 July, 2014.  To commemorate the day, the Institute organized an “Open House” in the forenoon. The Institute remained open for the public to get acquainted with the activities and achievements of  the Institute. The expert scientists and technicians of the organization facilitated the visit of students in large numbers from in and around Cochin.

            The formal Celebrationwas held in the afternoon. Dr. T.K. SrinivasaGopal, Director, CIFT presided over the function.In his presidential address he gave a brief account of the activities and achievements of ICAR.This was followed by a talk on “Creating a better work environment” by Dr. BeenaManoj, Faculty, Art of Living, Cochin Chapter. Earlier Dr. Leela Edwin, HOD, FT welcomed the gathering.ShriP.P. Anil Kumar, AF&ACO proposed the vote of thanks.





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