Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin is the only national organization under Indian Council of Agricultural research (ICAR), New Delhi dedicated to research in all areas of harvest and post harvest technologies of fish. The Institute hascelebrated its57th Foundation Day on 29 April, 2014. The day was also celebrated as Agricultural EducationDay. To commemorate the day, the Institute organized an “Open House” in the forenoon. The Institute remained open for the public to get acquainted with the activities and achievements of the premier Institute. The expert scientists and technicians of the organization facilitated the visit of students and the general public.
The formal FoundationDay Celebrationswas held at 2.00 PM at the Rooftop Auditorium. Dr. K. Gopakumar, Former Deputy Director General (Fisheries), ICAR, New Delhi, was the Chief Guest of the function. Dr. T.K. Srinivasa Gopal, Director, CIFT presided over the meeting. Selected retired staff of the Institute namely Dr. V.C. George, Scientist, Shri C.C. Gandhi, ,Technical Officer and Shri V.N. Rajasekhararn Nair, AAO were honored on the occasion. Shri P.K. Pushpangadhan, retired technical staff who made an invention to combat bird menace in rice fields was also felicitated on the occasion. The function was followed by a musical fusion concert by Tansen Band, Cochin
Students being explained in Open House Dr. T.K. Srinivasa Gopal delivering the presidential address
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