
Area of Research
  • Fishery Technology  
  • Deep sea resources fishing and exploration  
  • Remote sensing andapplications in fisheries  
  • Ocean Governance
  • Doctorate (Ph.D.) from AcharyaNagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar in the year 2009, on the thesis titled “Studies on the demersal trawl finfish catches with special emphasis on the trawl selectivity and biology of upeneussulphureus, Cuvier, 1829 in South East of India.
  • Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Fisheries Management securing First Class from Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai in the year 1991.
Current projects
  • Investigations on fish behavior and Responsible Fishing Systems.
  • Design development and standardization of deep sea fishing vessel and gear systems for commercial operation.

External funded Research Projects 

  • Exploration and Assessment of Demersal Fishery Resources along the Continental Slope (200-1200m) of Indian EEZ and Central Indian Ocean.
  • Validation of Tuna advisories off East Coast (INCOIS).
Awards and recognitions
  • The paper authored by Rajeswari.G, Raghu Prakash. R & Sreedhar. U “Performance of Fishery BRD in stake net for conservation of Hilsa juveniles” received the best poster second prize at the National Seminar on Hilsa Fisheries and Conservation. Organised by Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), Kochi & Inland fisheries Society of India, Kolkata in collaboration with ICAR-CIFT, Kochi & ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore on 18th November 2015.
Publications (Best 5 publications)
  • Length-weight relationship of deepseademersal fishes from the Indian EEZ., Sreedhar, U.,Sudhakar, G.V.S and MeenaKumari, B. (2013), , Indian J. Fish., 60(3): pp 1-6. (Page – 146-148).
  • Deep-sea fish catch from 16 station of southeast coast of India”. U. Sreedhar, G. V. S. Sudhakar and B. MeenaKumari, Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 2007, 49(2), pp183-187.
  • Remote sensing of Trichodesmium blooms in the coastal waters off Gujarat, using IRS-P4 OCM” by R.K.Sarangi, P.Chauhan,S.R.Nayak and U.Sreedhar, International Journal of Remote sensing, Vol.26, No.9, 2005, 1777-1780.
  • Identification and Validation of Potential Fishing Zones using IRS-P4 OCM Data-A Case Study in India, B. Meenakumari, U. Sreedhar, R.M. Dwivedi and S. Nayak, International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography, Vol 2(3), 2007.
  • Distribution, diversity, length-weight relationship and recruitment pattern of deep-sea finfishes and shellfishes in the shelf-break area off south West Indian EEZ”. by AA Jayaprakash, B. MadhusoodanKurup, U. Sreedhar, S. Venu, DivyaThankappan, Anish V. Pachu, HashimManjebrayakath, Paul Thampy and Siva Sudhakar. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 48(1): 56-6, 2006.



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