

Area of Research
  • Standard process and protocols for the development of ethnic products employing sustainable processing techniques 
  • Optimized techniques for the preparation of innovative future food products from fishery resources in concurrence to consumer preferences and emerging market dynamics 
  • Protocols for live transportation of commercially important table fishes and shell fishes.
  • MFSc in Fish Processing Technology from Kerala Agricultural University
  • Ph.D. in Marine Sciences with specialization in Fish Processing Technology from Cochin University of Science and Technology
Current projects
  • Ingenious Processing and Value Addition Approaches for Preservation and Diversification of Fishery Products
Awards and Recognitions
  • Padma Shri Dr. V. G. Jhingran Best PhD. Thesis Award, 2019 by College of Fisheries, CAU, Lembucherra, Tripura; College of Fisheries Lembucherra Alumni Association (COFLAA), Lembucherra, and North East Society for Fisheries and Aquaculture (NESFA), Tripura.
  • Dr. C.V. Kulkarni All India Best Ph.D. Student Research Award (2019-2020) by ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai.
  • Best Ph.D thesis Award in Fish Processing in the “International Conference on “AAVASILES” at J&K. 
  • Young Scientist Award in the 11th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, 2017 organized by Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch (AFSIB) and ICAR-CIFT during 21-24 November, 2017. 
Publications (Best 5 publications)
  • Parvathy U., Binsi P.K., Joshy C.G., Zynudheen, A.A., George Ninan, & Ravishankar C.N. (2021). Antioxidant peptides from dark meat of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares): Process optimization and characterization.      Waste and Biomass Valorization, 12(4): 1845-1860
  • Parvathy, U., Bindu, J. & Joshy, C.G. (2017). Development and optimization of fish-fortified instant noodles using response surface methodology. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(3): 608-616
  • Parvathy, U. & Sajan George (2014). Influence of cryoprotectant levels on storage stability of surimi from Nemipterus japonicus and quality of surimi-based products.     Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(5): 982-987
  • Parvathy, U., Binsi, P.K., Jeyakumari, A., George Ninan, A.A. Zynudheen & Ravishankar C.N. (2019). Tuna red meat hydrolysate as core and wall polymer for fish oil encapsulation: a comparative analysis. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56(4): 2134-2146
  • Parvathy, U., Binsi P.K., Madhurima Anant Jadhav, Visnuvinayagam, S., P. Muhamed Ashraf, George Ninan & Zynudheen A.A. (2020). Protein hydrolysate from yellowfin tuna red meat as fortifying and stabilizing agent in mayonnaise. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(2): 413-425



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