

Area of Research
  • Development of nutraceuticals products from fishey by products
  • Shelflife and product development studies of new and emerging commercially important species of fish and shellfish.
  • M F Sc
Current projects
  • Development of Standard Processes & Protocols for Innovative Products from Aquatic Resources, Shelf Life Modelling and Assessment of Energy Use 9 2014-2017)
  • Nutrient profilling and evaluation of fish as a dietary component (ICAR outreach Programme)
  • Development of high value by products from fish and shell fish processing discards (2014-2017)
  • Assessing environmental aspects of fish, fishery products and effects of chemical hazards (2016-2019)
Awards and recognitions
  • Best Poster Presentation Award in the 10th Indian Fisheries Forum”  organized by Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch from 12th to 15th November 2014 for a poster on “Nutritional Evaluation of processing Discards from Tiger tooth croaker”
  • Best Oral Presentation Award in the National conference on ‘Application of the derivatives of chitin and chitosan (ADCC-2014), held at Gandhigram Rural Institute, Dindigul from 22-23rd August 2014 for a presentation on “Development of a new chitosan based active packaging film for fish preservation”
  • Best Poster Presentation award in the National conference oon “Recent Trends in processing, Quality and Safety of Ethnic and organic foods” organized by college of food and Diary Technology, TANUVAS, Chennai from 26th and 27th June 2014 for a poster on “Presentative Effect of Chitosan on Ribbon fish Steaks”.
Publications (Best 5 publications)
  • Vijayakumar Renuka, Abubacker Aliyamveetil Zynudin, Satyen Kumar Panda, and Chandragiri N.Ravishankar, (2016). Nutritional evaluation of processing discards from tiger tooth croaker, Otolithes ruber.  Food Science and Biotechnology
  • Vijayakumar Renuka, C.O.Mohan, G.K.Sivaraman,C.N.Ravishankar. (2016).  Effect of chitosan edible coating on the microbial quality of Ribbon fish, Lepturacanthus savala (Cuvier, 1929) steaks during chilled storage.  Fishery Technology.53 (146-150).
  • Vijayakumar Renuka,  Rangasamy Anandan, Suseelamathew, Chandragiri N.Ravishankar, G.K.Sivaraman, (2016). Comparative  analysis of fatty acid profile from yellowfin tuna eye (Thunnus albacares)Vijayakumar Renuka, C.O.Mohan,G.K.Sivaraman,C.N.Ravishankar. (2016).  Effect of chitosan edible coating on the microbial quality of Ribbon fish, Lepturacanthus savala (Cuvier, 1929) steaks during chilled storage.  Fishery Technology.53 (146-150).
  • Vijayakumar Renuka,  Rangasamy Anandan, Suseelamathew, Chandragiri N.Ravishankar, G.K.Sivaraman, (2016). Comparative  analysis of fatty acid profile from yellowfin tuna eye (Thunnus albacares)  and  oil  sardine (Sardinella longiceps).  Fishery Technology 53 (151-154).
  • G.K.Sivaraman, S. Visnuvinayagam, Ashish kumar Jha, V. Renuka and S.Remya. (2016) Assessment of microbial quality of fish processing industrial effluent  into the bar-month at Bhidia landing site, Veraval, Gujarat, India. Journal of Environmental Biology. 37 (537-541).
  • G.K.Sivaraman, S. Visnuvinayagam, A.K.Jha, S. Remya, V.Renuka,  Ajeesh, Deesha Vanik. (2016). Molecular Divergence and Identification of Aspergillus Species in Dry Fishes  of Gujarat, India.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B.Biol. Sci. DOI 10.1007/s40011-016-0779-y



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