
World Soil Health Day Celebrations at ICAR-CIFT, Kochi

World Soil Health Day Celebrations at ICAR-CIFT, Kochi

A NFDB sponsored Skill Development Programme on “Pre-processing and drying of fish” was conducted by ICAR-CIFT, Kochi during 4-6 December, 2018. The training programme was attended by 25 participants from Ernakulum district who were fisherfolks and entrepreneurs interested in hygienic solar fish drying practices. The programme covered areas related to pre-processing, drying, quality evaluation, packaging of dried fish and fishery waste management. On the afternoon of 5th December, 2018, as part of World Soil Health Day Celebrations, a special session was conducted for the participants on Climate Change and Soil and Water Management Practices by Dr. Manoj P. Samuel, Principal Scientist & Head, Engineering Division.  The session mainly focused on soil pollution, soil degradation and food security. He also covered topics related to soil and water conservation measures.


   Session on ‘Climate change and soil and water management’ conducted as part of NFDB training


Dr. Manoj P. Samuel also delivered an invited talk on Soil and Water Management Practices in Post- Flood situation in Kerala at ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi at 10 am on 5th December 2018, as part of World Soil Health Day Celebrations organized by KVK, ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi. The session emphasized the need for soil conservation measures and its consequences on food security. More than 50 people including farmers and social activists attended the programme.



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