
Training Programme on Data Analysis Using SAS

Training Programme on Data Analysis Using SAS


Under the NAIP project on 'Strengthening Statistical Computing for NARS' operated in consortium mode, a training programme on 'Data Analysis using SAS' is being organized at CIFT, Cochin from 1-7 February, 2014 with the objective to strengthen statistical computing environment for the scientists/teachers/researchers in NARS. The training programme will equip the scientists/researchers of NARS to use the advanced and versatile SAS package for drawing valid inferences from their research.


You are requested to kindly nominate research personnel from your organization for this training programme. The nominated person should be a permanent employee of your organization. The filled in application form should reach us latest by January 27, 2014. In all, 20 participants will be selected for this course. Following NAIP guidelines, the expenditure on TA grant would be reimbursed as per entitlement but restricted to maximum of AC II tier fare by train. Free boarding and lodging arrangements would be made by organisers at CIFT, Cochin.


For this training programme, the nomination of the candidates (proforma enclosed) may please

be sent to


Dr. V. Geethalakshmi

Senior Scientist

CIFT, Cochin - 682029

Ph.0484 -2412300


Fax:O 0484 2668212;


For more details : Brochure


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