Theory session in progress
Practical session in progress
A training programme on "Modern Analytical Methods in Fish Biochemistry" was organized by the Biochemistry & Nutrition Division of ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin during 9-21 January, 2017 under the TCS Colombo Plan programme sponsored by ITEC, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. The programmes included both theory and practical exposure of trainees on various analytical methods in fish biochemistry. The wide range of topics covered under the programme included, Marine Biomolecules - Present and future perspectives in human healthcare, Marine nutraceuticals and functional foods - The challenges and opportunities, Nutrient profiling and nutritional labeling - Significance, vitamins and minerals in fish, Principles of electrophoresis and its applications, Principles of spectroscopy, Seafood safety, Extension approaches for attenuating malnutrition of fisher population, Supercritical fluid extraction and its applications, Chromatographic techniques, Recent trends in post harvest engineering and technology for processing nutrient rich seafood, Principles of HPLC, GC, GC-MS, LC MSMS, ELISA in cellular and molecular characterization and also on Marine microorganisms as potential resources of biomolecules. The practical sessions covered various techniques in fish biochemistry, molecular biology and food safety. The participants also visited different institutes like ICAR-CMFRI, MPEDA and fish landing centres and harbours for their field exposure.
Group discussion in progress
Valedictory session in progress
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