
CIFT Participation in the 5thGlobal Symposium on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries


 The 5thGlobal Symposium on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF5) was held from 13-15 November 2014 as a parallel event during the 10th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum at Lucknow, India. This is the first time that an Asian Fisheries Society GAF event was held in conjunction with the Indian Fisheries Forum, the 10IFAF. The event was sponsored by Asian Fisheries Society, Asian Fisheries Society Indian Branch, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific, United States Agency for International Development MARKET project (USAID-MARKET), Norad (Norwegian Agency for Development), Marine Products Exports Development Authority (India), National Fisheries Development Board (India), Aquaculture without Frontiers and others.


At the Inaugural Ceremony of the 10IFAF, the Special Issue of Asian Fisheries Science ‘Gender in Aquaculture & Fisheries: Navigating Change’ was officially released by Shri Ram Naik, Hon’ble Governor, Uttar Pradesh in the presence of Dr S. Ayyappan DG ICAR, Dr CherdsakVirapat DG NACA, Dr M. Meenakumari DDG (Fisheries Science) ICAR, Dr J.K. Jena, Director, ICAR-NBFGR and Dr. B.A. Shamsundar, Secretary AFSIB. The Special Issue comprised peer reviewed papers that were presented at the GAF4 in Yeosu, Korea in 2013.


The three dayGAF5 consisted of two Plenary Lectures; 20oral presentations, including eightpapers in the Focus India session; three special workshops;one panel discussion with of three key speakers; nine posters; six films; and a special GAF Network Meeting.Participants were from India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, Philippines, Mozambique, Australia, Spain, France and the USA.


Dr. Meryl J. Williams, former DG, Worldfish Centre, Malaysia and Dr. B. Meenakumari, DDG (Fisheries Science) were the Co-Chairs of GAF5 and Dr. Nikita Gopal, Principal Scientist, CIFT was the Programme Chair. The programme was inaugurated by Ms. Leena Nair, Chairman, MPEDA and Dr. Cherdsak Virapat, DG, NACA was the Guest of Honour.


Dr. Leela Edwin, Principal Scientist & Head, Fishing Technology Division chaired the session on Gender in sustainable fisheries and aquaculture management. The Special Workshop on the USAID-NACA Project was chaired by Dr. Cherdsak Virapat, DG, NACA and co-chaired by Dr. Nikita Gopal, Principal Scientist, CIFT along with Dr. Arlene Nietes Satapornvanit, NACA and Ms. Gladys Villocarta, USAID-MARKET project.



The CIFT posters ‘Gender Roles in Fisheries along the Vembanad Estuarine System’, by P. Sruthi, Liya Jayalal, Nikita Gopal and ‘Workspaces of women in the ornamental fish value chain in Kerala’,LiyaJayalal, P. Sruthi, Nikita Gopal bagged the best poster awards


Inauguration of the Symposium                                                  Session in progress



Special workshop on NACA projects                                            Best poster award to CIFT Team


Dignitaries and participants of the Symposium


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