
FAO-ICAR meeting on ‘Identification of Research Priorities in Veterinary sector for Antimicrobial Resistance’ at CIFT


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major and serious concern world over in combating infectious diseases. To surmount this challenge is to adopt One Health approach with coordination and cooperation between human health, veterinary and environment sectors. There is urgent need to unravel the mysteries related to emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance. Pragmatization of recognized strategies in the context of Indian veterinary scenario also needs further studies for confirming their efficacy and output in indigenous scenario. Understanding of the antimicrobial use (AMU), assessing the problem of AMR, observing trends over a period of time and evaluating the impact of interventions are the purposes that necessitates the development of research procedures and their implementation to illuminate the answers pertinent to National Action Plan for AMR. India is blessed with vast base of investigators in its veterinary colleges, research institutes and Universities. Country also bestowed with capability and infrastructure to undertake AMR related research works. Hence, there is a need to identify significant research areas that can be taken up to generate evidence base for instituting measures to prevent and contain AMR in the veterinary sector. With this premise a 2-day meeting of researchers organized at CIFT, Kochi on 27-28 March 2017 to discuss the research needs, capabilities and priorities for AMR in India and mechanism to disseminate these across the country.

 The two day FAO-ICAR meeting on ‘Identification of research priorities in veterinary sector for antimicrobial resistance’ was inaugurated on 27 March 2017at Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Kochi. The meeting was attended by experts from different parts of the country constituting scientists from Fisheries Institutes of ICAR namely, CIFT, CIFA, CIBA and ICAR RC NEH, professors from different veterinary and medical colleges. In the inaugural address Dr C.N. Ravishankar, Director of CIFT welcomed the august gathering and detailed in depth about research activities of CIFT with special emphasis to AMR Research carried out at CIFT on fish, fishery products and fish curing environments.Dr Sunil Gupta, NCDC Additional Director talked about antimicrobial resistance and its impact on disease prevention and control. Dr Sara Heydari, Advisor, USAID, New Delhi,in her addressestressed on the coordination between the research institutes across the country and also for uniformity in the methods to over the AMR problem.Dr Rajesh Bhatia, Regional Technical Advisor for AMR of FAO, New Delhi spoke on FAO perspectives and Mechanism of meeting. The inaugural program came to end with vote of thanks by Dr M.M. Prasad Principal Scientist and HOD MFB Division of CIFT. The participants from ICAR-CIFT scientists included Dr (s) Toms Joseph, B. Madhusudhana Rao, V. Murugadas, S.K. Panda, Pankaj Kishore, A. Basha, A. Greeshma, scholars; P. Shaheer, P.G. Akhil and Ms V. Adhira. The program was coordinated by Mr Rajesh Dubey Operations Officer FAO New Delhi.

During the two day deliberations by experts on the theme areas of antimicrobial resistances (AMR) identified included

  1. Understanding magnitude of AMR
  2. Antimicrobial usage (AMU) and their relationship
  3. Elucidating factors responsible for emergence of resistance
  4. Insight into costs and behavioral components of use of antibiotics
  5. programmatic operational research
  6. Understanding spread of resistance from animals to humans
  7. Development of interventions to reduce transmission and
  8. Adaptation of new tools and innovations.


At the end of the group discussion, 21 concept notes were proposed and presented by the groups on the selected theme to the panel of experts.  Projects proposed were the reflection of antimicrobial usage in India, antimicrobial resistances, links between AMU and AMR, direction of transmission of antimicrobial resistance, rate of development of antimicrobial resistance, surveillance and monitoring of counterfeit and fake usage of antibiotics, rapid diagnostic development, alternatives to antibiotics usage and other preventive methods of vaccines, probiotics. The proposed concept notes were deliberated during the presentation by the group member for the content, objectives. Finalized project concept note were the research priorities for AMR in Animal Health sector (aquaculture included) and these research priorities will be compiled and sent to the various Universities and State Agriculture institutions. 



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